Currently, we can give reason to pending spec using pend()
function this way -
xit("pending spec", function(){
//Skipped spec
}).pend("This is a reason");
Output of the above function would be -
Sample Test: pending spec
This is a reason
Executed 1 of 1 specs (1 PENDING)
Now, how to get the same reason for the disabled suites?
xdescribe('Disabled suite' , function(){
it('example spec', function(){
}).pend("This is a reason");
Output of the above disabled suite is -
No reason given
and remains the same even if I use pend()
function. Thanks!
The pending message is not implemented on a suite, but you could override the pend
method to make it write the message on each spec:
jasmine.Suite.prototype.pend = function(message){
this.markedPending = true;
this.children.forEach(spec => spec.pend(message));
xdescribe('Suite', function() {
}).pend("Feature not yet implemented");
Source code for Suite.js