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Error while trying to print the results in R's Antitrust Package

I'm using R's Package Antitrust for calculating demand own and cross price elasticities and printing the summary results of a merger between firms. The model used is PC-AIDS (Proportionally Calibrated Almost Ideal Demand System), published by Epstein and Rubinfeld (2007). It is a brand-level simulation and companies are allowed owning more than one brand in the standard simulation, as I've seen in excel. My wish is to print the results adequately, in a merger between two firms and one of them owning more than one brand (pre-merger).

My problem, though, seems to be a problem of programming/understanding the output of the code. I'll post a similar code of what I have done:





knownelast<- -1.5
mktelast  <- -1.0

results<-pcaids(shares,knownelast, mktelast, ownerPre=ownerPre,ownerPost=ownerPost,


And after the line of results<-summary(results), I get the following error in my output window:

Error in `row.names<`(`*tmp*`, value = value) : 
duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
In addition: Warning message:
non-unique value when setting 'row.names': ‘* a’

summary(results) holds results of price variation, output variation etc.

Maybe Antitrust is not pre-programed similarly to other versions I've seen of PC-AIDS and maybe I cannot obtain such results from this package -- making the exercise of writing this question almost pointless. But if this is by any chance a programming issue, in which someone more experienced in R might help, I invite a helpful answer.


  • There is an issue printing data.frame objects when the row name is the same:

    mat <- matrix(1:10, ncol=2)
         [,1] [,2]
    [1,]    1    6
    [2,]    2    7
    [3,]    3    8
    [4,]    4    9
    [5,]    5   10
    rownames(mat) <- rep("a", 5)
      [,1] [,2]
    a    1    6
    a    2    7
    a    3    8
    a    4    9
    a    5   10

    Now let's make it a data.frame:

    temp <-

    Error in data.frame(V1 = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"), V2 = c(" 6", " 7", : duplicate row.names: a

    The solution for your problem is to rename the labels so that each is distinct:

    ownerPreLab <- c("a.1","a.2","b","c")
    results <- pcaids(shares, knownelast, mktelast, ownerPre=ownerPre, ownerPost=ownerPost,
                      labels=ownerPreLab, knownElastIndex=1)
    Merger simulation results under 'PCAIDS' demand:
          priceDelta sharesPre sharesPost outputDelta
    * a.1         44        30         29        -2.4
    * a.2         44        20         20        -2.4
    * b           81        20         16       -18.4
      c           11        30         35        16.4
        Notes: '*' indicates merging parties' products. Deltas are percent changes.
        Output is based on revenues.
    Share-Weighted Price Change:    38.55
    Share-Weighted CMCR:    37.58