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Align : 'stretch' not working for Accordion layout

I have included an 'accordion' layout, which is included in 'west' region of a 'border' layout. But the align : 'stretch' property is not working for the accordion layout.

Accordion Layout

var user_menu_items = new Ext.Panel({
        layout: 'accordion',
        height: 565,
        align: 'stretch',
        id: 'usermenu',
        items: [{
                layout: 'fit',
                title: 'Configuration',
                id: 'menulist1',
                html: 'Group1 Content',
                collapseFirst: true
            }, {
                title: 'User Action Group2',
                id: 'menulist2',
                html: 'Group2 Content'
            }, {
                title: 'User Action Group3',
                id: 'menulist3',
                html: 'Group3 Content'

Border Layout

Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
        layout: 'fit',
        items: [{
                layout: 'border',
                defaults: {
                    collapsible: false,
                    split: false,
                    bodyStyle: 'padding:2px'
                items: [{
                        title: 'USER MENU',
                        region: 'west',
                        margins: '5 0 0 0',
                        cmargins: '5 5 0 0',
                        width: 225,
                        minSize: 100,
                        maxSize: 250,
                        collapsible: true,
                        collapsed: false,
                        bodyStyle: 'padding:0px',
                        items: [user_menu_items]
        renderTo: Ext.getBody()

I am using extjs-4.2.2

enter image description here


  • you can try below:

    var user_menu_items = new Ext.Panel({
            layout: 'accordion',
            //height: 565,
            //align: 'stretch',
            id: 'usermenu',
            items: [{
                    layout: 'fit',
                    title: 'Configuration',
                    id: 'menulist1',
                    html: 'Group1 Content',
                    collapseFirst: true
                }, {
                    title: 'User Action Group2',
                    id: 'menulist2',
                    html: 'Group2 Content'
                }, {
                    title: 'User Action Group3',
                    id: 'menulist3',
                    html: 'Group3 Content'
    Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
            layout: 'fit',
            items: [{
                    layout: 'border',
                    defaults: {
                        collapsible: false,
                        split: false,
                        bodyStyle: 'padding:2px'
                    items: [{
                            title: 'USER MENU',
                            region: 'west',
                            margins: '5 0 0 0',
                            cmargins: '5 5 0 0',
                            width: 225,
                            minSize: 100,
                            maxSize: 250,
                            collapsible: true,
                            collapsed: false,
                            bodyStyle: 'padding:0px',
                            layout: 'accordion', // <------- ADD THIS LINE TO WEST PANEL.------------------>
                            items: [user_menu_items]
            renderTo: Ext.getBody()