I'm using one app controller to call one model window and I want to pass data from $mdDialog model window to app controller. How can I do that?
//parent Controller
class appCtrl implements IappSettings {
public displayItems = [some array items];
public sortingItems = [some array items];
public backItems: string;
dopopup(event) {
controller: appCtrl,
controllerAs: '$ctrl',
template: '<displayArrayCtrl on-save="$ctrl.onSave(displayColumns)"></displayArrayCtrl>'
onSave(displayColumns) { //on button click on child controller
this.backItems = displayColumns; //Using {{$ctrl.keyItems}} in app.html page but it's giving me empty string
//Child Controller
class displayArrayCtrl {
saveData = function (selectedFields: any, sortSelectedFields: any) { //on button click on parent controller
this.onSave({displayColumns: this.displayColumns}); //calling parent controller event
class displayArrayOptionsOptions implements ng.IComponentOptions {
public controller: any;
public templateUrl: string;
public bindings: any;
constructor() {
this.controller = displayArrayCtrl;
this.templateUrl = 'page.html';
this.bindings = {
onSave: '&',
displayItems: '<',
sortingItems: '<'
.component('displayArrayCtrl', new displayArrayOptionsOptions());
It's calling my save event from child to parent controller but assigning the variable is not working properly.
I have found few ways to communicate between Parent to Child
and Child to Parent
, seems like :
Passing from Parent to Child
Passing from Child to Parent.
Above will be useful if you are having same controller and different component while working with different component as well as controller won't update parent or child scope, results you are not able to show updated value.
The things which can help is the binding using controller which i have already used for communicate.
Workaround :
having pop up to show different component which any controller can consume :
scope: this.$scope,
preserveScope: true,
bindToController: true,
template: '<somecomponentname get-back-items="$ctrl.getBackItems"></somecomponentname>'
while somecomponentname component having :
constructor() {
this.controller = someItemCtrl;
this.templateUrl = 'scripts/somefolder/someitem.html';
this.bindings = {
getBackItems: '='
I have defined getBackItems
on one more controller
created within somecomponentname
component like :
public getSelectedFields: any;
on Popup close assigning values to getBackItems
and it will immediately reflect to parent controller
as it's two way binding