There are 3 fields in task table-> expected_start_datetime,expected_end_datetime,time_allocated While creating a task expected start and end datetime is selected and saved in the records.
What I am trying to do is to find the difference between the two dates in hours and minutes and save the value inside the "time_allocated" while creating the task and later on the update or view page use/display the time allocated value from the records.
Trying something like this in the task controller action create
$diff = ((strtotime($model->expected_start_datetime) - strtotime($model->expected_end_datetime)) / (60 * 60 * 24));
$model->time_allocated = $model->time_allocated + $diff;
in your model you should be override beforeSave function like this:
public function beforeSave($insert) {
$diff =strtotime($this->expected_end_datetime)-strtotime($this->expected_start_datetime);
$hours= floor($diff/(60*60));
$mins= floor(($diff-($hours*60*60))/60);
return parent::beforeSave($insert);