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Steps for using RazorGenerator.MsBuild

I have tried to follow the steps from Precompiling Razor views in ASP.NET MVC 3

I can see the view cs files in the "obj\CodeGen\" folder

I changed the line

<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\packages\RazorGenerator.MsBuild.\tools\RazorGenerator.targets"/>


<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\packages\RazorGenerator.MsBuild.2.4.4\tools\RazorGenerator.targets"/>

so it matches the version that is there.

There is NO "RazorGenerator.targets" file!

I have also read the project's wiki pages and anything I could find related to RazorGenerator on the net, but not sure what the next steps are suppose to be.

How do people actually use this?


  • I never actually tweaked the project file to get the RazorGenerator.MsBuild to work. When I installed the package it handled that for me.

    I did check and my import statement also contains a condition attribute


    Maybe try unregistering and reregistering the package. Also, I am assuming that you do have a valid razorgenerator.directives file at the root of your templates folder. Mine contains the following settings but refer to wiki for options and effects.

    Generator: Template
    GenerateAbsolutePathLinePragmas: true
    GeneratePrettyNames: true 
    TrimLeadingUnderscores: true 

    You don't need to set the Custom Tool with the msbuild variant of RazorGenerator. Just compile and you will see the obj directory of your solution populate with a CodeGen | Templates folder. There you can view the .cs backing partial classes created by RazorGenerator.