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Node addon unable to snapshot (CreateToolhelp32Snapshot) modules

I'm trying to learn C++ but can't quite understand why when I attempt to snapshot modules via a Node add-on different results are returned to when I run the program through VS on the desktop.

Using this source from MSDN I can list all modules within a process:

void fm(LPSTR name) {
    HANDLE hModuleSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 5844);
    MODULEENTRY32 mEntry;

    // check invalid handle value...
    // check module32first...

    mEntry.dwSize = sizeof(mEntry);

    do {
        if (!strcmp(mEntry.szModule, name)) {
            cout << mEntry.szModule << endl;
    } while (Module32Next(hModuleSnapshot, &mEntry));

This works as intended and will find/print the module information (error checking omitted) - however, when I try and port this functionality over to a Node add-on it does not list the same modules as the code above (the code is nearly identical, I don't know why attempting to implement the function inside a custom Node add-on affects the result):

void fm() { 
    HANDLE hModuleSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 5844);
    MODULEENTRY32 mEntry;

    // check invalid handle value...
    // check module32first...

    mEntry.dwSize = sizeof(mEntry);

    do {
        cout << mEntry.szModule << endl;
    } while (Module32Next(hModuleSnapshot, &mEntry));


After using node-gyp to compile the add-on I can call it successfully (after requiring, it simply runs a function that calls fm).

If I try to snapshot the process with the PID 5844 (VS Code) it prints out:

Code.exe ntdll.dll wow64.dll wow64win.dll wow64cpu.dll

If I try the process with the PID 6540 (Chrome) it prints out:

chrome.exe ntdll.dll wow64.dll wow64win.dll wow64cpu.dll

This is obviously not correct, it prints out the same modules even though the PID (hard coded) is differing.

If I use the first block of code and run it with VS, I get:

chrome.exe ntdll.dll KERNEL32.DLL KERNELBASE.dll apphelp.dll ADVAPI32.dll msvcrt.dll sechost.dll RPCRT4.dll SspiCli.dll CRYPTBASE.dll... There's a lot more modules, but you can see this is what the second block of code should print.

I do not know why running the code through a custom Node add-on would affect the outcome unless I'm missing or not understanding something about Node add-ons.

I can open and collect information about all processes correctly using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot with the Node add-on, but I can not seem to collect information on the modules within a process.


  • Using TH32CS_SNAPMODULE within a x64 process(Node.exe) on x86 process will give you only the 64 bit modules, use TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32 to get the 32 bit modules - TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32 for all modules.