Note that I had to change the title of this question, as a lot of answers seem to be confused as to what I was asking. This is not a question about the scope (global or otherwise) of a "mutex object", it is a question about what scope of variables are "locked" by a mutex.
I believe the answer to be that a mutex locks access to all variables, ie; all global and locally scoped variables. (This is a result of a mutex blocking thread execution rather than access to specific regions of memory.)
I am attempting to understand Mutexes.
I was attempting to understand what sections of memory, or equivalently, which variables, a mutex would lock.
However my understanding from reading around online is that Mutexes do not lock memory, they lock (or block) simultaneously running threads which are all members of the same process. (Is that correct?)
So my question has become simply "are mutexes global?"
... or are they perhaps "generally speaking global, but the stackoverflow community can imagine some special cases in which they are not?"
When originally considering my question, I was interested in things such as those shown in the following example.
// both in global scope, this mutex will lock any global scope variable?
int global_variable;
mutex global_variable_mutex;
int main()
// one thread operates here and locks global_variable_mutex
// before reading/writing
// local variables in a loop
// launch some threads here, and wait later
int local_variable;
mutex local_variable_mutex;
// wait for launched thread to return
// does the mutex here prevent data races to the variable
// global_variable ???
One may assume this is pseudo-code for C++ or C, or any other similarly relevant language.
2021 edit: Question title has been changed to better reflect the contents of the question and associated answers.
So my question has become simply "are mutexes global?"
No. A mutex has a lock()
and an unlock()
method, and the only thing a mutex does is cause its lock()
call (from any thread) not to return for as long as another thread has that mutex locked. When the thread that was holding the mutex locked calls unlock()
, that is when the lock()
call will return in the first thread. That way it is guaranteed that only a single thread will be holding the mutex-lock (i.e. executing in the region between its lock()
call and its unlock()
call) at any given time.
That's really all there is to it. So a mutex will effect only the threads that call lock()
on that particular mutex, and nothing else.
Mutex stands for "Mutual Exclusion" - using one correctly ensures that only one thread at a time will ever be executing any "critical section" protected by the same mutex.
If there are some variables you only ever modify inside critical sections protected by the same mutex, your code doesn't have a data race. No matter whether they're global, static, or pointed to by different variables in different threads or any other way two threads might have a reference to the same object.