I have the following problem. We have several streams in Enterprise Miner and we would like to be able to tell how long was each run. I have tried to create a macro that would save the start and end time/date but the problem is that global variables defined in a node, are not seen anymore in a subsequent node (so are global only inside a node, but not between nodes). How people usually solve the problem? Any idea or suggestion?
Thanks, Umberto
Just write out timestamps to log (EM should produce a global log in the same fashion that EG and DI do)
Either use:
data _null_;
datetime = datetime();
put datetime= datetime20.;
or macro language:
%put EM node started at at %sysfunc(time(),timeampm.) on %sysfunc(date(),worddate.).;
with a higly customised message you have read the log in SAS looking for those strings using regex.
Solution 2:
Other option is to created a table in a library that is visible from EM and EG for example and have sql inserts at the beginning/end of your process.
proc sql;
create table EM_logger
(jobcode char(100),
timestamp num informat=datetime20. format=datetime20.);
proc sql;
insert into EM_logger values('Begining Linear Reg',%sysfunc(datetime()));
data w;
do i=1 to 10000000;
proc sql;
insert into EM_logger values('End Linear Reg',%sysfunc(datetime()));
Table layout can be as complex as you want and as long as you can access it you can get your statistics.
Hope it helps