I'm trying to use spotlight results to guide the user to the appropriate section within my app.
The MainView has a few button allowing to go to different areas of the app, one of them being a phone directory, which is inside it's own SplitViewController
. The MasterView
has the list of users in a TableView
and the DetailView
has the item details.
Currently, I have the following in my AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable))restorationHandler {
if ([userActivity.activityType isEqualToString:CSSearchableItemActionType]) {
// uid = an Id field unique for each record
NSString *uid = userActivity.userInfo[CSSearchableItemActivityIdentifier];
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle:nil];
UINavigationController *navController = nil;
navController = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"PhoneDirectory"];
if (navController != nil) {
[[[self window] rootViewController] presentViewController:navController animated:YES completion:nil];
return YES;
Here is my structure, hopefully it does a good job illustrating it.
Navigation Controller
|-- Main View
|-- About View
|-- SplitView Controller (StoryboardID: PhoneDirectory)
|-- Master View Controller
|-- Detail View Controller
|--Another View
What I want is to present the DetailView
with the information of the user. On devices which show the MasterView
and DetailView
I would like the MasterView
to look as if the row was tapped.
What's the best way i can accomplish this? How do I pass the uid to the MasterView
and then mimic a tap to simulate a touch on the appropriate row.
Note: my data at the MasterView
is setup as a Dictionary
of Arrays
, in case that matters in how to find the proper user by uid.
If you need further information, please let me know.
Inside MasterViewController.h
Inside MasterViewController.m
NSPredicate* predicate = nil;
//Your logic to find the match from array;
NSArray* matches = [dataSourceArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
if([matches count] > 0)
NSDictionary* match = matches[0];
NSIndexPath* targetIndexPath;
// Your logic to find out the indexPath for this match
// Ask the table to select the row programatically
[self.tableView selectRowAtIndexPath:targetIndexPath animated:NO scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle];
// Manually forward the event for this, as if user touched the cell
// SDK won't forward this method call for programmatic cell selections
[self tableView:self.tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:targetIndexPath];
NSLog(@"'uid' not found in the master table dataSource");
This has been working out great for me for most of my projects.