I got a Domain hosted on "" and i got a Linux Server hosted by "".
Domain configuration:
A Record -> Linux Server IP
MX Record -> Use Strato Intern Mailserver
Server configuration:
Hostname -> Domainname from Strato
I used "external SMTP Server in Plesk"
Post: 465
Username: **Username**
Password: **Password**
my /var/log/mail says
Jun 10 07:59:34 **DOMAIN** msmtp: tls=on auth=on user=info@**DOMAIN** from=**DOMAIN**@**DOMAIN**.de recipients=**RECIP@EXAMPLE.COM** errormsg='the server sent an empty reply' exitcode=EX_PROTOCOL
I already installed a fresh Plesk/Linux and I also tried to set the MX record to the Server and tried to use SMTP Server on the Linux. That didn't work either.
I want the domain from Strato to point to the Hetzner Linux Server (done A-Record).
I want the emails that the server generates to be sent; I already had this one working but the server sent emails with IP not with the pre-bind Domain. that's bad for GMX because they refuse mails from IP Sources.
Can someone give me advice ?
(Posted answer on behalf of the OP):
I used this guide and installed Postfix manual from SSH console. It is working as it should. I had to Bind the smtp to pot 587 instead of 456 because 456 is only for public signed certificates not for self-signed.