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Vaadin: Valo-theme menu hiding/resizing

I am trying to replicate the Vaadin Valo theme demo layout - menu on the left, content on the right. I've used the source code for this demo as a starting point, pruning out except the UI class (ValoThemeUI), ValoMenuLayout and the Tables layout, and everything looks as expected, however my version doesn't dynamically resize/hide the right hand side menu when I resize my browser window like the official demo does.

I figure I'm missing something, but looking at the demo source code, I can't see what. There has to be some scss code somewhere that defines the menu width/resize behaviour - but I can't find it.

One thing I did have to add/do differently was add the following code to ValoThemeUI, as otherwise the app doesn't run. The demo must be doing this (and maybe other key things?) elsewhere, but I can't figure out where.

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = ValoThemeUI.class, productionMode = false)
public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {


  • Ok, so I've answered my own question by trawling through the valo source code.

    The source code for the demo, as linked, doesn't do the menu hiding/resizing shown in the live demo (also linked), but getting it to work is fairly simple (once you know how). You just need to add




    in the init() method of ValoThemeUI.