I didn't deal with render method yet !!
is it for blade template ?
I have to pass dynamic data in blade.php file dynamically.
Given that you've tagged the question with Blade, I'll assume you mean render inside Laravel's View class.
returns the string contents of the view. It is also used inside the class' __toString()
method which allows you to echo a View object.
// example.blade.php
Hello, World!
// SomeController.php
$view = view('example');
echo $view->render(); // Hello, World!
echo $view; // Hello, World!
Laravel typically handles this for you, I.e. calls render or uses the object as a string when necessary.
Blade's @include('viewname') directive will load the view file and call the render method behind the scenes for example.
You may use it yourself when you want to get the compiled view to perform some subsequent action. Occasionally I have called render explicitly rather than to string if the view itself is causing an exception and in PHP explains
Fatal error: Method a::__toString() must not throw an exception in /index.php on line 12
Calling render() in the above case gives a more useful error message.