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satisfying the LTL formula in model

Is AG(~q ∨ Fp) LTL formula satisfy in model below? why or why not?



  • First of all AG(~q ∨ Fp) is not an LTL formula, because the operator AG does not belong to LTL. I assume you meant G(~q v Fp).

    Modeling: let's encode the system in NuSMV:

    MODULE main ()
      state : { S0, S1, S2, S3 };
      p : boolean;
      q : boolean;
      init(state) := S0;
      next(state) := case
        state = S0 : {S1, S2};
        state = S1 : {S0, S3};
        state = S2 : {S0};
        state = S3 : {S3};
    INVAR state = S0 <-> (!p & !q);
    INVAR state = S1 <-> ( p &  q);
    INVAR state = S2 <-> (!p &  q);
    INVAR state = S3 <-> ( p & !q);
    LTLSPEC G(!q | F p)

    And verify it:

    ~$ NuSMV -int
    NuSMV > reset; read_model -i f.smv; go; check_property
    -- specification  G (!q |  F p)  is false
    -- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
    Trace Description: LTL Counterexample 
    Trace Type: Counterexample 
    -- Loop starts here
    -> State: 2.1 <-
      state = S0
      p = FALSE
      q = FALSE
    -> State: 2.2 <-
      state = S2
      q = TRUE
    -> State: 2.3 <-
      state = S0
      q = FALSE

    Explanation: So the LTL formula is not satisfied by the model. Why?

    • G means that the formula is satisfied only if ~q v F p is verified by every reachable state.
    • State S2 is s.t. ~q is FALSE, so in order to satisfy ~q v F p it must necessarily hold that F p is TRUE, that is it is necessarily the case that sooner or later p becomes TRUE.
    • There exists an infinite path starting from S2 s.t. p is always FALSE: the path that jumps from S2 to S0 and back and never touches either S1 or S3.
    • Contradiction: the LTL formula is not satisfied.