operator do in R ?%<>%
and <-
could be useful ?The help, ?magrittr::`%<>%`
, answers all your questions, if you are refering to magrittr`s compound assignment pipe-operator:
is used to update a value by first piping it into one or more rhs expressions, and then assigning the result. For example,some_object %<>% foo %>% bar
is equivalent tosome_object <- some_object %>% foo %>% bar
. It must be the first pipe-operator in a chain, but otherwise it works like%>%
set.seed(1);x <- rnorm(5)
x %<>% abs %>% sort
# [1] 0.1836433 0.3295078 0.6264538 0.8356286 1.5952808
is the same as
set.seed(1);x <- rnorm(5)
x <- sort(abs(x))
# [1] 0.1836433 0.3295078 0.6264538 0.8356286 1.5952808