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GitHub Pages code highlighter adds extra space

I use GitHub pages to host a website. Everything works fine except syntax highlighter. It adds extra empty line if Java code line starts with // and does not update line numbers. When I run the same site locally everything is works fine. Here is an example.


As you can see it added an empty line after // comment.


And if run locally everything is ok.

My _config.yml

  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-sitemap # add /sitemap.xml file

paginate_path: /_pages/page:num

highlighter: rouge
markdown: kramdown
  input: GFM

Hosted website

Github pages

How can I sort this problem?


  • This is a line ending problem. You have to change CRLF to LF.

    Configure your code editor to use LF. If you can't, change editor.