I'm implementing a program that needs a RPN calculator function, I've got the one bellow, but being new to python I wonder if I can optimize it without losing the readability.
Found some solutions using dictionaries and so on, but I got lost in the 'pythonesque' parts, the lists are still somewhat of a mistery to me...
my function is :
def parseRPN(expression):
"""Parses and calculates the result fo an RPN expression
takes a list in the form of ['2','2','*']
returns 4
stack = []
for val in expression:
if val in ['-', '+', '*', '/']:
op1 = stack.pop()
op2 = stack.pop()
if val=='-': result = op2 - op1
if val=='+': result = op2 + op1
if val=='*': result = op2 * op1
if val=='/':
if op1==0:
result = op2 / op1
elif val in ['sin','cos']:
op1 =stack.pop()
if val=='sin': result = sin(op1)
if val == 'cos': result = cos(op1)
return stack.pop()
print('error parse RPN fn:parse_rpn :' + str(expression))
return 10*10**10
Thanks in advance
The original implementation is fine, and clear. Here's another that uses more Pythonic features:
tests using py.test (<3)
parse errors are left alone, as they already indicate what's going on
the operator
module is used directly for many two-argument functions, like multiply
likewise, single-argument math functions like sin
just call the math
for convenience, the expression can be specified as a single string, like "2 3 /"
Calculators are a lot of fun, and are a great introduction to cool topics like compiling and parsing. Have fun!
import math
import operator
import pytest
def safe_divide(darg1, darg2):
return darg1/darg2
except ZeroDivisionError:
def parseRPN(expression):
"""Parses and calculates the result of a RPN expression
takes a list in the form of ['2','2','*']
returns 4
# allow simple string: "2 3 /"
if isinstance(expression, basestring):
expression = expression.split()
function_twoargs = {
'*': operator.mul,
'/': safe_divide,
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
function_onearg = {
'sin': math.sin,
'cos': math.cos,
stack = []
for val in expression:
result = None
if val in function_twoargs:
arg2 = stack.pop()
arg1 = stack.pop()
result = function_twoargs[val](arg1, arg2)
elif val in function_onearg:
arg = stack.pop()
result = function_onearg[val](arg)
result = float(val)
return stack.pop()
def test_happy_paths():
assert parseRPN([2, 3, '*']) == 6.
assert parseRPN('0 sin') == 0.
assert parseRPN([2, 3, '/']) == 2./3
def test_safe_divide():
assert parseRPN([2, 0, '/']) == ERROR_VALUE
def test_parse_error():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == 'could not convert string to float: gin'