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Stanford Parser: How to include the punctuations?

I have used Stanford Parser to parse some of my already tokenized and POS tagged (by Stanford POS tagger with Gate Twitter model). But the resulting conll 2007 formatted output does not include any punctuations. Why is that?

The command I have used:

java -mx16g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser -sentences newline -tokenized -tagSeparator § -tokenizerFactory edu.stanford.nlp.process.WhitespaceTokenizer -tokenizerMethod newCoreLabelTokenizerFactory -escaper edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBEscapingProcessor -outputFormat conll2007 edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.caseless.ser.gz ..test.tagged > ../test.conll


Original tweet:

bbc sp says they don't understand why the tories aren't 8% ahead in the polls given the current economics stats ; bbc bias ? surely not ?

POS tagged tweet, used as input for Stanford parser:

bbc§NN sp§NN says§VBZ they§PRP don't§VBP understand§VB why§WRB the§DT tories§NNS aren't§VBZ 8%§CD ahead§RB in§IN the§DT polls§NNS given§VBN the§DT current§JJ economics§NNS stats§NNS ;§: bbc§NN bias§NN ?§. surely§RB not§RB ?§.

Resulting conll 2007 formatted parse:

1   bbc _   NN  NN  _   2   compound    _   _
2   sp  _   NN  NN  _   3   nsubj   _   _
3   says    _   VBZ VBZ _   0   root    _   _
4   they    _   PRP PRP _   5   nsubj   _   _
5   don't   _   VBP VBP _   3   ccomp   _   _
6   understand  _   VB  VB  _   5   xcomp   _   _
7   why _   WRB WRB _   10  advmod  _   _
8   the _   DT  DT  _   9   det _   _
9   tories  _   NNS NNS _   10  nsubj   _   _
10  aren't  _   VBZ VBZ _   6   ccomp   _   _
11  8%  _   CD  CD  _   12  nmod:npmod  _   _
12  ahead   _   RB  RB  _   15  advmod  _   _
13  in  _   IN  IN  _   15  case    _   _
14  the _   DT  DT  _   15  det _   _
15  polls   _   NNS NNS _   10  nmod    _   _
16  given   _   VBN VBN _   15  acl _   _
17  the _   DT  DT  _   19  det _   _
18  current _   JJ  JJ  _   19  amod    _   _
19  economics   _   NNS NNS _   16  dobj    _   _
20  stats   _   NNS NNS _   19  dep _   _
22  bbc _   NN  NN  _   23  compound    _   _
23  bias    _   NN  NN  _   20  dep _   _
25  surely  _   RB  RB  _   26  advmod  _   _
26  not _   RB  RB  _   16  neg _   _

As you can see, Most of the punctuations are not included in the parse. But why?


  • Finally, found the answer, use

    -outputFormatOptions includePunctuationDependencies

    Have contacted Stanford parser and corenlp support long time ago, no response at all