I'm accepting user input, $1, asking for a date. People can't use the help page, so I'm forced to dumb it down when passing it through grep.
My input is Day-Mon-Year - where the day doesn't have a preceding 0 and the month is only 3 letters long.
I have everything done, except for the 3 letter 'cut-down.'
## stripping leading zero, turning words to lower-case & then capitalizing only the first letter ##
fdate=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^0//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e "s/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g")
Can anyone help me take "August," for example, and cut it down to Aug, in this single variable? Or perhaps another way? I'm open to anything.
Thanks in advance!
You can do this in bash, without external commands:
a='0heLLo wOrld'
a=${a#0} # Remove leading 0. Change to ${a##0} to remove multiply zeros
a="${a:0:3}" # Take 3 first characters
a=${a,,} # Lowercase
a=${a^} # Uppercase first
printf "%s\n" "$a" # Hel
Alternative it can be done in one sed
% sed 's/^0//;s/\(.\)\(..\).*/\u\1\L\2/' <<< "0heLLo wOrld"
s/^0//; # Remove leading 0. Change to 's/^0*//' to remove multiply zeros
\(.\)\(..\) # Capture first character in \1 and next two in \2
.* # Match rest of string
/\u\1\L\2/ # Uppercase \1 and lowercase \2