I've been sitting around here for quite some time now and my problem just won't solve by googling, try and error. I've got the following code snippet:
data Prozess = Prozess { pid :: Int, arrival :: Int, computing :: Int } deriving (Show)
let idle = Prozess{pid=1, arrival=5, computing=10}
So I tried to compile it with ghci, but it's keep giving me a "parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)" at the "let idle ..."-line. Weird thing is, I tried compiling this using our Jupyter-Server and that seems to work nicely. Also, if I compile it without the "let"-line and input the -exact- same line afterwards via Terminal in *Main>, it's working fine too.
So what's wrong with ghci? Think I'm losing my mind over this.
Your let
isn't in any function is it?
If you're just defining a global "constant", you just go:
idle :: Prozess
idle = Prozess{pid=1, arrival=5, computing=10}
Also, note that you don't need the record notation. You can swap that for:
idle = Prozess 1 5 10