For a medical application I am retraining the pretrained Inception-v3 network using TensorFlow.
This network has a final layer:
pool_3:0 (2048 features)
Using TF's classify_image, I figured out which of these features are most important for each sample. So there is an array with the indexes of the top-N features, sorted on weights.
The next step is to visualize the feature vector to better understand the results.
How would I go about doing this? Is TensorBoard capable of this? I am at a bit of a loss. Any suggestion/help is appreciated!
Maybe just printing the N interesting components would help you?
You can get the pool_3
vector with something like:
graph = ... # the session graph (sess.graph) containing Inception model
features = graph.get_tensor_by_name('inception_v3/pool3:0') # I don't know the exact name, find it in TensorBoard
features_values =
print features_values[top_N_indices]
If you want to use TensorBoard, you can only plot:
tf.gather(features, [indice])