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WCF MesageContract - customizing outgoing SOAP message - multiple bodies

I have to call a Web service that is extremely demanding (unstandard) regarding the SOAP message format that it chooses to process. I have no control over the server side implementation and there is no WSDL available, all I have is an intercepted message attached bellow.

My first thought was WCF+MessageContract, but whatever I do with the last, I can't seem to get the right result. Outgoing messages should look like the one bellow. The most tricky part seems to be multiple body contents ("ProxyInfo" and "PayloadInfo" bellow). Besides that I also can not get WCF to remove "Action" element from SOAP message header. I realize that it is a vital element to WCF, but I doubt that I could persuade Web service to accept it. The reply will probably be another story, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

Currently I am considering custom serialization and post-/pre- processing of outgoing/incoming messages. In the worst case I guess I will have to do Web requests as well as serialization manually. Please help, I am getting realy desperate...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<e:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
  <ServiceHeader xmlns="http://services/serviceheader" e:actor="http://services/loadbalancer" >
  <ProxyInfo xmlns="http://services/proxyinfo">
  <PayloadInfo xmlns="http://services/payload">


  • If you don't want to use Address header you have to use binding without WS-Addressing. In your case use BasicHttpBinding. It will not use WS-Addressing and Action SOAP header but instead it will use SOAPAction HTTP header.

    For your message contract try to use something like this:

    public class ServiceHeader
    public class ProxyInfo
    public class PayloadInfo
    [MessageContract(IsWrapped = false)]
    public class Request
      public ServiceHeader ServiceHeader { get; set; }
      public ProxyInfo ProxyInfo { get; set; }
      public PayloadInfo PayloadInfo { get; set; }

    The strange thing is the actor attribute in ServiceHeader. Your message doesn't define namespace for prefix e so the message is not valid XML.