I built and ran Syntaxnet successfully on a set of 1400 tweets. I have difficulty in understanding what each parameter in the parsed file means. For example, I have the sentence:
Shoutout @Aetna for covering my doctor visit. Love you!
for which the parsed file contents are:
1 Shoutout _ NOUN NNP _ 9 nsubj _ _
2 @ _ ADP IN _ 1 prep _ _
3 Aetna _ NOUN NNP _ 2 pobj _ _
4 for _ ADP IN _ 1 prep _ _
5 covering _ VERB VBG _ 4 pcomp _ _
6 my _ PRON PRP$ _ 8 poss _ _
7 doctor _ NOUN NN _ 8 nn _ _
8 visit. _ NOUN NN _ 5 dobj _ _
9 Love _ VERB VBP _ 0 ROOT _ _
10 you _ PRON PRP _ 9 dobj _ _
11 ! _ . . _ 9 punct _ _
What exactly do each of the columns mean? Why are there blanks and numbers other than the POS tags?
This type of format is called CoNLL Format. There are various versions available of it. The meaning of each column is described here