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Class 'Log' not found

I'm new to Lumen and Laravel, but I have to write a REST API using Lumen. I've set up a controller and I'm having a problem using the logger. I've followed the documentation: Lumen docs

This is my controller app/Http/Controllers/DocumentsController.php:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Log;

class DocumentsController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return response()->json(['result' => 'Oh hey!']);

If I run this I'm getting an error saying:

FatalErrorException in DocumentsController.php line 22: Class 'Log' not found

So there seems to be something wrong with the Log facade (not quite sure how those work yet in Laravel/Lumen).

But if I change the Log::info() call, to manually pull the log service out of the DI container then it works:

    $app = app();

Any ideas as to why the facade method as described in the official documentation isn't working?


  • Doh and of course 5 minutes after posting this question I figured it out. I noticed in the Application base class (vendor/laravel/lumen-framework/src/Application.php) the following aliases:

    public function withFacades()
        if (! static::$aliasesRegistered) {
            static::$aliasesRegistered = true;
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth', 'Auth');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache', 'Cache');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB', 'DB');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event', 'Event');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate', 'Gate');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log', 'Log');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue', 'Queue');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema', 'Schema');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL', 'URL');
            class_alias('Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator', 'Validator');

    This method was never called however, because in bootstrap/app.php the $this->withFacades() call is commented out by default.

    I uncommented it and now it works.