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FirebaseUI/Auth with Email-Password

I'm hoping to use FirebaseUI/Auth with Facebook, Google, and email/password authentication options.

On this page, it shows how to add Google and Facebook providers:

FIRGoogleAuthUI *googleAuthUI =
[[FIRGoogleAuthUI alloc] initWithClientID:kGoogleClientID];
FIRFacebookAuthUI *facebookAuthUI =
[[FIRFacebookAuthUI alloc] initWithAppID:kFacebookAppID];
authUI.providers = @[ googleAuthUI, facebookAuthUI];

How would I add email-password to the auth providers option and have it appear on authViewController?


  • Here is the answer I got from the FirebaseUI Github page:

    Email-password is enabled as a sign-in option by default, it doesn't require any configuration :)

    A "Sign in with email" option should appear on authViewController, unless signInWithEmailHidden is set to YES.