I am learning Chef and building a cookbook with recipes for installing rbenv
and ruby-build
. The ruby-build
recipe installs the program and then attempts to install Ruby 2.3.1 with rbenv
. However, every time I run chef-client
to converge, this last step fails with the error rbenv: no such command 'install'
even though the installation of ruby-build
finishes successfully.
bash "initialize rbenv and install ruby 2.3.1" do
user "david"
cwd node["user"]["home"]
"PATH" => "#{node['rbenv']['bin']}:#{node['rbenv']['root']}/shims:#{ENV['PATH']}"
# code "eval \"$(rbenv init -)\" && rbenv install 2.3.1"
code <<-EOF
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
rbenv install 2.3.1
I've commented out the one-line way that I also tried. In both cases it says that install
is missing despite the program being there.
In fact, I can go into the machine manually and run these commands just fine:
[root@myserver ~]# su david
[david@myserver root]$ cd
[david@myserver ~]$ eval "$(.rbenv/bin/rbenv init -)"
[david@myserver ~]$ .rbenv/bin/rbenv install 2.3.1
Downloading ruby-2.3.1.tar.bz2...
-> https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.3/ruby-2.3.1.tar.bz2
Any ideas why this would be failing during convergence but not at the command line??
Try setting $HOME
in shell environment:
"PATH" => "#{node['rbenv']['bin']}:#{node['rbenv']['root']}/shims:#{ENV['PATH']}",
"HOME" => node["user"]["home"],