I am trying to follow the movement of an object, on a 2D plane, which has been given a list of commands "forward, left or right".
So far I have functions that take in the components of a state of the object (direction, position and moves) and return the final state after all moves have been completed or all the positions passed along the way.
The state of the object is in the form Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) [m]
and a move consists of recursively applying the head of the list of moves to generate new states
ie Sstate (Dir 1 0) (Pos 0 0) "fff" -> Sstate (Dir 1 0) (Pos 0 1) "ff"
type Mov = Char
data Pos = Pos Int Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Dir = Dir Int Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Sstate = Sstate Dir Pos [Mov]
deriving (Show, Eq)
move :: Sstate -> Sstate
move (Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) [] ) = Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) []
move (Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) (m:ms))
| m == 'f' = ss dx dy (dx + px) (dy + py) ms
| m == 'l' = ss (-dy) dx px py ms
| m == 'r' = ss dy (-dx) px py ms
| otherwise = ss dy dx px py []
ss a b c d = Sstate (Dir a b) (Pos c d)
end :: Dir -> Pos -> [Mov] -> Sstate
end d p ms = iterate move initialState !! n
initialState = Sstate d p ms
n = length ms + 1
position :: Sstate -> Pos
position (Sstate _ p _) = p
route :: Dir -> Pos -> [Mov] -> [Pos]
route d p ms = map position . take n . iterate move $ initialState
initialState = Sstate d p ms
n = length ms + 1
λ: let x = Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ff"
λ: move x
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 3) "f"
λ: end (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 4) ""
λ: route (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ff"
[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4]
This seems to work but it also seems that this is something that is asking for the State monad
. I find the State monad
confusing but feel that it would help me my understanding if someone would be kind enough to show how it could be used here.
Here is some simple 'starter' code extending your module with some reformulations in terms of state. You will need to look at a tutorial like the LYAH chapter while fiddling with them, I'd think. I omit the signatures, which become increasingly complicated, but querying the types in ghci will be instructive. You need to add
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer -- for the position-remembering example
Then the following should all work using your definition of move
step = do -- step the state once with your `move`,
sstate <- get -- whatever the state is
put (move sstate)
-- this little program could also be written: `modify move` which shows the
-- link between what you wrote and State a little more clearly
steps = do -- repeatedly apply `step` to the state
Sstate _ _ ls <- get -- til there are no moves, then stop
if null ls
then return () -- could be: unless (null ls) $ do step ; steps
else step >> steps
stepsIO = do -- do all steps as with `steps`, but print
sstate@(Sstate a b ls) <- get -- the current state at each state update
liftIO $ print sstate
if null ls then liftIO (putStrLn "Done!")
else step >> stepsIO
stepsPrintPosition = do -- do all steps as with `steps`, printing
Sstate _ b ls <- get -- only position at each state update
liftIO $ do putStr "current position: "
print b
if null ls then liftIO (putStrLn "Done!")
else do step
stepsAccumulatePositions = do -- move through all states as with `steps`
sstate@(Sstate a b ls) <- get -- but use `tell` to keep adding the current
tell [b] -- position to the underlying list
if null ls then return () -- of positions
else step >> stepsAccumulatePositions
example = Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ffff"
To use things like step
, steps
, stepsIO
etc, we apply runState
; this gives us a function from a state to a new state
runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
This of course is just the accessor for the newtype definition
newtype StateT s m a = StateT {runStateT :: s -> m (a, s)}
The wrapping permits us to write fancy s -> m (a, s)
things, using simpler s -> m (a, s)
bits, but under the newtype hood, its always just a function s -> m (a, s)
we are writing in the do notation.
Of course, once we unwrap with runStateT
and have our function s -> m (a, s)
, we need to supply it with an initial state. It's easiest to see how this works by testing in ghci
>>> example
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ffff"
>>> runStateT step example -- we step the state once with move
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 3) "fff")
>>> runStateT steps example -- we keep stepping till there are no moves
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) "")
>>> runStateT stepsIO example -- we print state at each state update
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ffff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 3) "fff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 4) "ff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 5) "f"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) ""
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) "")
>>> runStateT stepsPrintPosition example -- print position only at state updates
current position: Pos 0 2
current position: Pos 0 3
current position: Pos 0 4
current position: Pos 0 5
current position: Pos 0 6
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) "")
-- the WriterT examples accumulate a 'monoid' of things you keep
-- adding to with `tell xyz` Here we accumulate a [Position]
-- execXYZ and evalXYZ, where they exist, return less information than runXYZ
>>> runWriterT $ runStateT stepsAccumulatePositions example
(((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) ""),[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4,Pos 0 5,Pos 0 6])
>>> execWriterT $ evalStateT stepsAccumulatePositions example
[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4,Pos 0 5,Pos 0 6]
In the code above I am using the mtl
typeclasses and then using runStateT
and runWriterT
to "interpret" or specialize the class involving signatures. These are pertain to concrete types StateT
and WriterT
defined in Control.Monad.Trans.{State/Writer}
One could omit the classes, and just write directly with those concrete types, importing those modules. The only difference would be that you need to do lift $ tell [b]
in the one case where I combine two effects, state and writing or whatever you want to call it.
There is plenty to be said about the analysis of state you are working with but it will emerge how you might rework it, if you think the above through.