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Empty var when run from AGI (but not empty from bash)

Please help me, why class Sphinx gives me empty $result when I run it from AGI, but gives me not empty $result, when I run it from bash. Also class Yandex gives not empty correct $result with both situations. Initial voice_rec.php


$start = microtime(true);

spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    include 'Classes/' . $class . '.php';

$stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w');
$stdlog = fopen('my_agi.log', 'w');

$filename = $argv[1];
$table = $argv[2];
$number = $argv[3];

$VoiceClass = new Sphinx();
$result = $VoiceClass->voice2Text($filename);

echo "VERBOSE $result\n";

return $result;



class Sphinx
    public $dict, $grammar;
    function __construct($dict = "/home/asterisk/baltartek/cmusphinx/dict.dic", $grammar = "/home/asterisk/baltartek/cmusphinx/grammar.jsgf")
        $this->dict = $dict;
        $this->grammar = $grammar;

    public function voice2Text($filename)
        $command = "pocketsphinx_continuous -samprate 8000 -logfn /dev/null -hmm /root/zero_ru_cont_8k_v3/zero_ru.cd_cont_4000 ".
            "-dict ".$this->dict." -jsgf ".$this->grammar." -infile $filename";

        exec($command, $ans);

        $result = implode("",$ans);

        return $result;



Yandex.php (which is working well both in AGI and Bash)


class Yandex
    public $key = '****';
    public $topic = "freeform";
    public $lang = "ru-RU";
    public $uuid;

    function __construct()
        $this->uuid = md5(time());

    public function voice2Text($filename)
        $cmd = exec('curl --silent -F "Content-Type=audio/x-wav" -F "audio=@'.$filename.'"\?key='.$this->key.'\&uuid='.$this->uuid .'\&topic='.$this->topic.'\&lang='.$this->lang, $xml); 

        $res_xml = implode($xml);
        if (preg_match('!<variant .*?>(.*)</variant>!si', $res_xml, $arr)) $voice_text = $arr[1];
            else $voice_text='';

        $result = strtolower($res_xml);

        return $result;



  • The problem was in accoustic files folder permissions. Just moved it to /home/asterisk and run

    chown -R asterisk:asterisk /home/asterisk