I'm working with a self-hosted Nancy App, using it as an Api.
I published it on my server and now i'm working on a web-apps supposed to use this API.
The problem occurs when I'm requesting GET http://myApi:[port]/api/token
When I test this using postman i get this :
StatusCode : 200
And when I'm using my web-app I get this in the nancy request-tracing :
StatusCode : 500
[StaticContentConventionBuilder] The requested resource '/api/token' does not match convention mapped to '/Content'
So, if i understood what it means : On the 2nd request Nancy is trying to serve static Content and that's not what i want him to do since i just want to send back a json with my token.
I encountered a few topics where it's said that we can change the behaviour of the staticContentConventionsBuilder but most of it are just changing the static content folder.
I made sure that my request and response should have Content-type : application/json
in header.
Postman request and web-apps request weren't made from the same machine but are part of the same networks and CORS are allowed.
So it seems that adding one line in the request's header works for me.
Here is the line I added :
Accept : "*/*;q=1"
It's part of the header that postman send on every request.
You can find an explanation of this here :
purpose of the Q value in Accept header
or in the link provided in the answer.