I have a requirement for storing all the ColdFusion exception details in a database table. So I am planning to serialize the cfcatch structure and store it in db, but I have an issue.The structure before and after the serialization is not the same. So for testing purpose, here is small snippet of code I tried on my local,
<cfset a = 5/0>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
<cfset a = SerializeJSON(cfcatch)>
<cfdump var = "#DeserializeJSON(a)#">
Here is the screenshot from the first dump (Original cfcatch).
Here is the screenshot from the second dump(i.e serialize and then deserialize)
Entered as a comment on the OP question, but adding here as well in case it's useful to others.
<cfset a = SerializeJSON(duplicate(cfcatch))>
Although when you dump it, the cfcatch
data looks like a ColdFusion struct it isn't really, the duplicate
forces it to a ColdFusion struct which it can then serialize. Be aware that duplicate does a deep copy.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/30630495/291653 for more info about what cfcatch is.