Did not see it in the docs. Here's what I'm trying to do:
echo "<foo><bar t='A' /><bar t='B' /></foo>" | xmlstarlet ed -u "//bar/@t" -v "1_[//bar/@t]"
I want to pre-append the prefix 1_ to t.
Expected Output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bar t="1_A"/>
<bar t="1_B"/>
Actual Output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bar t="1_[//bar/@t]"/>
<bar t="1_[//bar/@t]"/>
Try this:
echo "<foo><bar t='A' /><bar t='B' /></foo>" | \
xmlstarlet ed -u "//bar/@t" -x 'concat("1_", .)'
is for fixed values, -x
is for xpath expressions.