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Fixing bugs in Android App

I want you to know I'm a newbie to Android Development.

I have developed an Android application (not uploaded on Google Play Store) with Crashlytics implemented.

This app is used by 50-60 users per day. Before releasing the app I tested it many times on my device and several others to check if it crashes or not. The app passed all the tests.

Now the app is crashing on some of the user's device and I can see the reason why it is crashing in Crashlytics dashboard.

But the app is crashing on specific devices only and working fine on other user's device and even after reproducing the issue on my device the app does not crash so I'm a bit confused about how to tackle problems like this.

And I can not purchase a device just for the purpose of testing.

So my questions are,

  1. How can I solve the bugs in my app which are not reproducible on my devices?
  2. Is it possible to know the exact reason why the app crashed using other bug reporting tools so that I can reproduce the bug on my device.

Any help is appreciated Thank You :)


  • Somehow managed to fix bugs my app by using Mixpanel. Tracking an event was so much helpful.

    Thanks Guys. :)