I use queries in EF4 to pull back records and process information through various other means (not EF) based on the data within, so I frequently have detached EF objects in lists.
In this case, I have a query in EntityFramework 4.0 that is not loading a related entity, even though I am using the .Include("...") method.
using (MyDBEntities ctx = new MyDBEntities())
ctx.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
// Get the first X records that need to be processed
var q = (from t in ctx.DBTables
let c = t.Customer
where t.statusID == (int)Enums.Status.PostProcessing
&& c.isActive == true
select t
foreach (DBTable t in q)
// this results in c == null
Customer c = t.Customer;
// However t.CustomerID has a value, thus I know
// that t links to a real Customer record
Can anyone help me understand why Customer is not loading, even though I am explicitly stating to include it?
I found the root of the issue! The demon lies in the "let" command. Whenever I have a let, or a second "from" clause (like a join), then the ".Includes" get ignored!!!
// Get the first X records that need to be processed
var q = (from t in ctx.DBTables
// Using a "let" like this or
let c = t.Customer
// a "from" like this immediately causes my include to be ignored.
from ca in c.CustomerAddresses
where t.statusID == (int)Enums.Status.PostProcessing
&& c.isActive == true
&& ca.ValidAddress == true
select t
However, I can go get the ID's that I need to fetch in one call, then have a second "go get my includes" call, and everything works just fine.
// Get the first X record IDs that need to be processed
var q = (from t in ctx.DBTables
let c = t.Customer
from ca in c.CustomerAddresses
where t.statusID == (int)Enums.Status.PostProcessing
&& c.isActive == true
&& ca.ValidAddress == true
select t.TableID
// Now... go "deep-load" the records I need by ID
var ret = (from t in ctx.DBTables
where q.Contains(t.TableID)
select t);