Given a collection of nodes defined as a dictionary of points, and a collection of edges defined as a dictionary of key tuples, is there an algorithm in python to easily find consecutive segments?
I have two files that model segments of a road network.
1;-5226574;-3118329 # latitude and longitude as integers (multiplied by 1e5)
Each edge represents an (indexed) link between two nodes, by the node indexes.
A sub-section of the generated network is plotted below:
As you can see, the overwhelming majority of nodes is a "simple" node, meaning it is in the middle of a road segment and belongs to exactely two edges. On the other hand, there are "special" nodes, meaning they represent a bifurcation, or crossroad, because it belongs to three or more edges.
Currently, I have a collection of isolated road segments, but I would like to have each road segment between two special nodes defined as a sequence of nodes. It makes everything much faster to plot, to measure distances, etc., and it also allows me to represent each node sequence as a "super edge" linking two special nodes, thus simplifying the topology.
I can easily imagine some brute-force way to do that, but the amount of nodes is relatively high, and I don't have a theoretical background that points me a way to solve this.
I have created a gist with my raw data. Each line represents a road as a sequence of points (lat, lon), and the roads overlap a lot. My goal is to generate the dictionaries for nodes and links from this "list of roads" in the file.
You can use the following python script to access the content:
with open('RawRoads.txt') as roadsFile:
for line in roadsFile.readlines():
road = [tuple(map(lambda x:int(float(x)*1e5), coord.split(','))) for coord in line.strip().split(' ')]
or else:
import urllib
url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/heltonbiker/ca043f8ee191db5bf8349b1b7af0394c/raw/RawRoads.txt"
lines = urllib.urlopen(url).readlines()
for line in lines:
# you got the idea
Let's not get too brutish. I think we can do well by building a simple list of lists, such that edge[i] is a list of up to three elements, the nodes to which node i is connected. If your node numbers are dense and start near 0, you can use a list; in case they're not, I'll use a directory.
I build a list from edges.txt in the form of
edge_list = [(1,2), (2,3), (3,5), (2, 23), (23,345), (23,11), ...]
Now build the two-way edge reference directory:
Next, identify the special nodes, those with an order other than 2: intersections and map edges. Then we pick one and build a segment until we hit another.
# Dictionary of edges, indexed in both directions by node number.
edge = {}
# Ingest the data and build teh dictionary
with open("edges.txt") as efile:
for line in efile:
eid, src, dst = line.strip().split(';')
src = int(src)
dst = int(dst)
for key, val in [(src, dst), (dst, src)] :
if key in edge:
edge[key] = ([val])
print "edge dictionary has entries:", len(edge)
# Identify endpoint nodes: order other than 2
end_ct = 0
print "Endpoint Nodes"
endpoint = []
for src, dst in edge.iteritems():
if len(dst) != 2:
print len(dst), src, dst
end_ct += len(dst)
print end_ct, "road ends"
atlas = [] # List of roads, each a list of nodes
# Build roads between the identified endpoints
# Pick the first endpoint in the remaining list.
# Move to the first-listed adjacent node.
# Keep going until we hit another node on the endpoint list.
while len(endpoint) > 0:
here = endpoint[0]
# print "Road starting at", here, edge[here]
# Pick a first step and consume the edge
next = edge[here].pop(0)
road = [here, next]
# If that's the last connection to the node, remove that node from the endpoints list.
if len(edge[here]) == 0:
del endpoint[0]
del edge[here]
# Special case for a one-segment road; endpoint entry of "next" is removed after the loop
if len(edge[next]) == 0:
del edge[next]
# Consume edges until we reach another endpoint.
debug = False
while next not in endpoint:
here = next
next = edge[here].pop(0)
if len(edge[next]) == 0:
del edge[next]
# print "removing node", next
if next not in edge:
# print "removing endpoint", next
print "\nRoad from", road[0], "to", road[-1], ':\n\t', road
print "\n", len(atlas), "roads built"
# print "edge dictionary still has entries:", len(edge)
It worked, it's fast and correct, and I find it deserves a visualization:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for road in atlas:
path = [nodesdict[i] for i in road]
lons, lats = zip(*path)
plt.plot(lons, lats)