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Rollback to a specfic Migration in FluentMigrator

Suppose I have crated a three Table using FluentMigrator and gave them version Number 1, 2, 3 respectively. Now Is there any way to rollback till version 2. I mean After rollback I should have Table 1 and 2 but not 3.


  • Here is a batch file I use with the command line runner tool

    @echo off
    if "%1" == "rollback" goto rollback
    if "%1" == "" goto migrate
    if "%1" == "version" goto version
    if "%1" == "down" goto down
    goto error
    migrate -db SqlServer2014 -connection "Server=[YOUR CONNECTTION STRING]" -assembly "[YOUR MIGRATION ASSEMBLY]"
    goto done
    migrate -db SqlServer2014 -connection "Server=[YOUR CONNECTTION STRING]" -assembly "[YOUR MIGRATION ASSEMBLY]" -task rollback:all
    goto done
    migrate -db SqlServer2014 -version "%2" -connection "Server=[YOUR CONNECTTION STRING]" -assembly "[YOUR MIGRATION ASSEMBLY]"
    goto done
    migrate -db SqlServer2014 -version %2 -connection "Server=[YOUR CONNECTTION STRING]" -assembly "[YOUR MIGRATION ASSEMBLY]" -task rollback:toversion
    echo "No valid command"
    echo "Completed"

    Then you would use the forth option: down as follows

    1. Open a Cmd in the directory the batch file exists, the command line runner dlls and the migration assembly dll need to exist in that directory
    2. Run the following [Batch File Name].bat down [Version YOU WANT TO ROLLBACK TO: i.e., Migration you want as your last one]

    So in your example that would be "down 2", which will rollback 3 and you would keep 1 and 2.

    More about Command Line Runner