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Android SIP Conference call

I want to do a conference call using Android Sip. Is that possible? Can someone give a working example please. Also are there any limitations of using that library like can it work on 3G or 4G?


  • Current Android SIP API does not support creating conferences. However the functionality could be implemented on a SIP Application Server (AS). In theory, it would be possible to use FACs (Feature Access Codes) at server side.

    Example: You are in a call with +1234567890 and want to add +1234567890 to the call. by using makeAudioCall API with a supported FAC in the peerProfileUri, lets say "tel:*111#+1234567890#+1234567890#" a capable AS could place the second call create a conference.

    Also are there any limitations of using that library like can it work on 3G or 4G?

    There are no limitations, it can work on 3G/4G as long as bandwidth for audio is enough. Audio mixing is normally done at server side, so each participant would send/receive audio as in a regular call (no additional streams).