I am trying to install MongoDB on my computer running Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
My Apache + PHP configuration was already working correctly.
I installed MongoDB and PHP drivers for MongoDB through MacPorts:
sudo port install mongodb
sudo port install php55-mongodb
Installation ran correctly.
I added mongodb.so file to the extensions loaded in the php.ini file:
When I run phpinfo() function in php file, mongodb extension seems to be loaded correctly:
I tried to test my connexion by initializing a MongoClient instance:
$mongoDB = new MongoClient();
Unfortunately, I got a HTTP ERROR 500, and I got the following line in my Apache logs:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'MongoClient' not found in ...
Did I make something wrong ?
Finally found a solution to my problem.
As @neverpanic and @Zagonine made me understand, php-mongodb and php-mongo are not the same extension.
If you want to use old PHP driving classes, you should use php-mongo package instead of the very new php-mongodb.
Trying to install latest php-mongo extension, I had an other problem related to OpenSSL. To bypass it, I installed an old version of php-mongo extension:
sudo /usr/local/pear/bin/pecl install mongo-1.5.8
Hopefully it will help someone else.