Search code examples

Solr Dismax and Edismax request gives different results for the same query

There is query that contains optional("should" clauses) mandatory and prohibited tokens. The following two queries returns different results. But should be same, not?

+_query_:"{!type=**dismax** mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"


+_query_:"{!type=**edismax** mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"

With Minimum "Should" Match parameter:

mm: "2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%"

Any ideas? Thanks

Updated There is document in solr index:

   "normalizedField":"opt1 opt3 mandatory"

searching with dismax query:

+_query_:"{!type=dismax mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"

"parsedquery_toString":"+(((normalizedField:opt1) (normalizedField:opt2) +(normalizedField:mandatory) -(normalizedField:prohibited))~2) ()"

return empty result(as expected)


searching with edismax query:

+_query_:"{!type=edismax mm='2<2 3<3 5<4 7<51%' qf='normalizedField'} opt1 opt2 +mandatory -prohibited"

"parsedquery_toString": "+((normalizedField:opt1) (normalizedField:opt2) +(normalizedField:mandatory) -(normalizedField:prohibited))"

return this document. WHY?


  • seems i found solution. I USED 5.2 solr version with known issue( After upgrade to version 5.5.1 issue is resolved) and edismax works the same as dismax(for my example)