I've started learning Twig today and wanted to know how I would redirect to another page in my template.
This is my index.php where I also load my homepage.
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('../recourses/views');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
echo $twig->render('pages/home.twig', array(
'project_title' => getProjectTitle()
Now my question is: How could I reach this page with an <a href="...."></a>
I can't just use <a href ="pages/home.twig">
since it will show the code instead of the page itself.
I've tried searching but couldn't find my sollution.
Hope anyone can explain this to me.
If I unterstand, you are not using Symfony Standard Edition, but some Symfony components + Twig ?
In that case, Twig is only a a templating engine and Symfony functions are missing.
The path function (ShinDarth answer) is provided by a twig extension defined in the Symfony Standard Edition :
All the Symfony Standard Edition function are defined at the same page :
Using Twig like you do, you can only pass the path as variable and render it as {{ path_variable }}