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RMQ on static 2D array in constant time

The input is an array (n*m 1<n,m< 1000). I have to find the maximum element in every sub-matrice of size( a*b ).

I was trying to do this by iterating x over n-a+1 and y over m-j+1.

  • 2D segment trees or quad trees are not sufficiently fast as the number of queries is large.
  • I tried to extend sparse table but was not able to due to shortage of space.

  • I have read about solutions with Cartesian trees but some code is needed as I cannot understand it.

Please explain a solution that will answer a query in O(nm) time or in O(1) time by pre-computation. Also, the input array is static.

Note: although I've tried sparse table, it might not have been correct, so feel free to post a solution with it.

I'm a Java coder, so an implementation in Java or c/c++ would be great.

Also this is not a duplicate as I have searched a lot about it without finding anything suitable.


  • Number of possibilities:

    (From Number of submatrix of size AxB in a matrix of size MxN)
    In a matrix of size (m*n), there are (n-A+1)*(m-B+1) different matrices of size (A*B).
    So the total number of possible input for your function is sum((n-A+1)*(m-B+1)) where A=1..n and B=1..m.

    EDIT: This is getting so huge when m=1000.

    O(m^2n^2) is O(1000^4)... 1 trillion ... this won't fit in my small computer's memory :)


    I propose you build an hashmap that you simply index with the boundaries of your matrix:
    A string built from a=M(i,j), b=M(k,l) where 0< i < k <(n+1) and 0< j < l <(m+1)

    • e.g. you can build is so: aHashMap("["+i+","+j+"].["+k+","+l+"]")


    • Have a function that calculates the max of a given matrix (a[i,j],b[k,l]) - say myMax(i,j,k,l). I assume there is no point showing you how.

    • Then its easy (sorry I can't easily compile anything so I give only the principle for now):

      for i=1 to n-1 do
          for j=1 to m-1 do 
              for k=i to n do
                  for l=j to m do 
                      aHashMap("["+i+","+j+"].["+k+","+l+"]") = myMax(i,j,k,l)

    This is O(n^4), but assuming its pre-computational, there's no point, it just make your program bigger and bigger when storing aHashMap.

    Good to know

    Such problem also seem to be widely addressed at ; e.g. this or that... so this SE could be of interest to the OP.

    Implementation of this naive approach:

    With 99 x 95 it already gives millions of possibilities to pre-compute, taking about 3Go RAM!

    $ ./p1
     enter number of rows:99
     enter number of cols:95
    hashmap ready with 22572000 entries.


    #ifndef myMatrix_JCHO
    #define myMatrix_JCHO
    typedef unsigned int u_it;
    class Matrix
        Matrix(u_it _n, u_it _m);
        Matrix(const Matrix& matr);
        Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& matr);
        u_it getNumRows() ;
        u_it getNumCols() ;
        int getC(u_it i, u_it j);
        void setC(u_it i, u_it j, int v);
        void printMatrix();
        int maxSub(u_it a_i, u_it a_j, u_it b_k, u_it b_l);
        u_it n, m;
        int **pC;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <sstream>
    #include "matrix.h"
    Matrix::Matrix(u_it _n, u_it _m) {
        int k=0;
        pC = new int*[n];
        for (u_it i=0; i<n; ++i){
           pC[i]=new int[m];
           for(u_it j=0; j<m; ++j){
        for (u_it i=0; i<n; ++i){
            delete [] pC[i];
        delete [] pC;
        std::cout << "matrix destroyed\n";
    u_it Matrix::getNumRows() {
        return n;
    u_it Matrix::getNumCols() {
        return m;
    int Matrix::getC(u_it i, u_it j){
        return pC[i][j];
    void Matrix::setC(u_it i, u_it j, int v){
    void Matrix::printMatrix(){
        for (u_it i=0; i<n; ++i){
          std::cout << "row " <<i<<" [ ";
          for(u_it j=0; j<m; ++j){
            std::cout << pC[i][j] << '\t';
          std::cout << "]\n";
    // Return max of submatrix a(i,j); b(k,l)
    int Matrix::maxSub(u_it a_i, u_it a_j, u_it b_k, u_it b_l) {
       int res = -100000;
       if (a_i<=b_k && a_j<=b_l && b_k<n && b_l<m) {
         for (u_it i=a_i; i<=b_k; ++i){
           for(u_it j=a_j; j<=b_l; ++j){
             res= (pC[i][j]>res)? pC[i][j] : res;
       } else {
         std::cout << "invalid arguments: out of bounds\n";
         return -100000;
       return res;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <map>
    #include <cassert>
    #include "matrix.h"
    std::string hashKey(u_it a_i, u_it a_j, u_it b_k, u_it b_l) {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "max(a[" << a_i << "," << a_j << "],b[" << b_k << "," << b_l << "]";
        return ss.str();
    int main() {
        u_it n_rows, n_cols;
        std::cout << " enter number of rows:";
        std::cin >> n_rows;
        std::cout << " enter number of cols:";
        std::cin >> n_cols;
        std::cout << " pre-computing...\n";
        std::map<std::string, int> myHMap;
        Matrix * mat=new Matrix(n_rows,n_cols);
        // "PRE" computation
        for (u_it i=0; i<n_rows; ++i) {
          for (u_it j=0; j<n_cols; ++j) {
            for (u_it k=i; k<n_rows; ++k) {
              for (u_it l=j; l<n_cols; ++l) {
                //std::cout <<"max(a["<<i<<","<<j<<"],b["<<k<<","<<l<<"]"<< mat->maxSub(i, j, k, l) <<'\n';
                //std::cout << mat->hashKey(i, j, k ,l) <<" -> " <<  mat->maxSub(i, j, k, l)  <<'\n';
                myHMap[hashKey(i, j, k ,l)] = mat->maxSub(i, j, k, l);
        std::cout << " hashmap ready with "<<  myHMap.size() <<" entries.\n";
        // call to values
        u_it cw_i, cw_j, cw_k, cw_l;
        std::string hKey;
        while (cw_i < n_rows+1) {
          std::cout << " enter i,:";
          std::cin >> cw_i;
          std::cout << " enter j,:";
          std::cin >> cw_j;
          std::cout << " enter k,:";
          std::cin >> cw_k;
          std::cout << " enter l:";
          std::cin >> cw_l;
          hKey = hashKey(cw_i, cw_j, cw_k, cw_l);
          std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = myHMap.find(hKey);
          assert(i != myHMap.end());
          std::cout << i->first <<" -> " <<  i->second  <<'\n';


    g++ -std=c++0x  -std=c++0x -Wall -c -g matrix.cpp
    g++ -std=c++0x  -std=c++0x -Wall -c -g main.cpp
    g++ -std=c++0x  -std=c++0x -Wall -g matrix.o main.o -o p1