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How to insert data into database in a multiple file input?

I have a code that lets a person upload multiple images through a form.

Problem is, the images upload fine on to the server but not sure how to get the images to be sent into the database.


        else{ // No error found! Move uploaded files 
            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["files"]["tmp_name"][$f], $targetscreenshots.$name)) 

            $count++; // Number of successfully uploaded file


Where do I put the following code?

mysql_query("INSERT into Colleges (`files`) VALUES ('$files')"); // inserting data if file is moved 
    echo "Your screenshots have been uploaded successfully!"


  • This is my own code which i am using in my script.

                //uploads is the name of file array that is being uploaded.
            foreach ($_FILES['uploads']['name'] as $key=>$file) {
                $target = $upath.$file;
                // echo $path; THIS CAN BE STORED DIRECTLY TO THE DATABASE
                move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploads']['tmp_name'][$key], $target)
                or die();
                mysql_query(**YOUR INSERT QUERY HERE. IT WONT BE EXECUTED IF IMAGE IS NOT UPLOADED PROPERLY.**)or die(mysql_error());

    I read your comment and so i gave this answer... Kindly correct me if i have misinterpreted your question.