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Meteor stuck at update to 1.3

I have created apps on Meteor 1.2.x. But, now Meteor 1.3 is released. and as I was running meteor command in command prompt then it told me to update your meteor version to 1.3.4.

One I used meteor update command, it started downloading the update. But as progress bar filled it disappeared, but downloading still continuing.

I had kept it from 1 to 2 hours but downloading was never completed. I also tried reinstalling 1.3 fresh. After this I tried to run meteor command in the same app as above, but it still behave the same way. again I kept it form 1 to 2 hours but download never completed.

What am i suppose to do now? I'm stuck.

I've attached an image. windows 10 cmd.exe


  • Just restart the process a few times, their server is really annoying. I couldn't make it work for hours, and then somehow it worked.

    Wait until you see the %99-100 in the progressbar