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jeasyui datagrid insertrow with string format json

I am inserting a last row to a datagrid from JSON created in javascript (code copied here) I was able to produce this

 {amountA:'99,865.65', amountB:'47,781.91', amountTotal:'147,647.56'}

To insert,

function insertRow(index, thisRow) {
$("#tDataGrid").datagrid('insertRow', {
    index: index,
    row: thisRow

This doesn't work, but when I copied the produced JSON to the code like

     index: index,
     row:  {amountA:'99,865.65', amountB:'47,781.91', amountTotal:'147,647.56'}

it works perfectly.

What's wrong with my code? Thanks in advance.


  • Try this way to add in general

    data: [
        {amountA:'value11', amountB:'value12', amountC:'value12'},
        {amountA:'value11', amountB:'value12', amountC:'value12'}

    Append a new row. The new row will be added to the last position:

    amountA: 123,
    amountB: 123,
    amountC: 'some Text'

    Insert a new row at second row position.

    index: 1,   // index start with 0
    row: {
        amountA: 123,
        amountB: 123,
        amountC: 'some Text'