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How to generate .xst file from command line + Xilinx-ISE

I am trying to learn how to generate bit files from command line. Is there a way to generate the .xst script file from command line tools? I can only find mention of it being something that the GUI auto-generates.

To add some context, I build and generate a bit file for a simple design in the GUI then use the 'View Command Line Log' tool to generate the commands the tool used. Then use "Cleanup Project Files". I am just trying to execute the same commands manually from the command line. The first command is:

xst -ifn "C:/Users/Documents/XilinxProjects/SingleItemTest/item.xst" -ofn "C:/Users/Documents/XilinxProjects/SingleItemTest/item.syr" 

Which gives me:

ERROR:Xst:427 - Entry File C:/Users/Documents/XilinxProjects/SingleItemTest/item.xst not found


  • Our PoC-Library can run Xilinx XST from command line via Python3. We are using template files for XST, because each target device can have other XST options.

    Here is a *.xst file for a 7-Series XST run:

    set -xsthdpdir "xst"
    -ifn {prjFile}
    -use_new_parser {UseNewParser}
    -ifmt {InputFormat}
    -ofn {OutputName}
    -ofmt {OutputFormat}
    -p {Part}
    -top {TopModuleName}
    -opt_mode {OptimizationMode}
    -opt_level {OptimizationLevel}
    -power {PowerReduction}
    -iuc {IgnoreSynthesisConstraintsFile}
    -uc {SynthesisConstraintsFile}
    -keep_hierarchy {KeepHierarchy}
    -netlist_hierarchy {NetListHierarchy}
    -rtlview {GenerateRTLView}
    -glob_opt {GlobalOptimization}
    -read_cores {ReadCores}
    -sd {SearchDirectories}
    -write_timing_constraints {WriteTimingConstraints}
    -cross_clock_analysis {CrossClockAnalysis}
    -hierarchy_separator {HierarchySeparator}
    -bus_delimiter {BusDelimiter}
    -case {Case}
    -slice_utilization_ratio {SliceUtilizationRatio}
    -bram_utilization_ratio {BRAMUtilizationRatio}
    -dsp_utilization_ratio {DSPUtilizationRatio}
    -lc {LUTCombining}
    -reduce_control_sets {ReduceControlSets}
    -fsm_extract {FSMExtract}
    -fsm_encoding {FSMEncoding}
    -safe_implementation {FSMSafeImplementation}
    -fsm_style {FSMStyle}
    -ram_extract {RAMExtract}
    -ram_style {RAMStyle}
    -rom_extract {ROMExtract}
    -shreg_extract {ShRegExtract}
    -rom_style {ROMStyle}
    -auto_bram_packing {AutoBRAMPacking}
    -resource_sharing {ResourceSharing}
    -async_to_sync {ASyncToSync}
    -use_dsp48 {UseDSP48}
    -iobuf {IOBuf}
    -max_fanout {MaxFanOut}
    -bufg {BufG}
    -register_duplication {RegisterDuplication}
    -register_balancing {RegisterBalancing}
    -optimize_primitives {OptimizePrimitives}
    -use_clock_enable {UseClockEnable}
    -use_sync_set {UseSyncSet}
    -use_sync_reset {UseSyncReset}
    -iob {PackIORegistersIntoIOBs}
    -equivalent_register_removal {EquivalentRegisterRemoval}
    -slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin {SliceUtilizationRatioMaxMargin}
