I have a Visual Studio Shell 2013 application and I would like to upgrade to Shell 2015 and I faced with a problem related to command capturing. In the old version the F1 command is captured and overwrite the default behaviour. (based on How to capture Visual Studio commands in a VSPackage Plugin?)
This is the code from VSPackage that is working with the shell 13:
m_objDTE = (DTE)GetService(typeof(DTE));
var F1HelpGuid = typeof(VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID).GUID.ToString("B");
var F1HelpID = (int)VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID.F1Help;
F1HelpEvent = m_objDTE.Events.CommandEvents[F1HelpGuid, F1HelpID];
F1HelpEvent.BeforeExecute += CapturedF1HelpCommand;
After the update the F1 command is not captured.
Do You have any idea why can it happened? Does the F1 help Id changed?
Did you happen to see my latest response to your post in the VS Extensibility forum?
The reason the event never fires is because the Help commands are disabled via the stub applications' ApplicationCommands.vsct. You need to comment out the
entry to reenable the F1 command. Then, you should see your event handler being invoked.