Coming from C++, I find generic programming indispensable. I wonder how people approach that in Haskell?
Say how do write generic swap function in Haskell?
Is there an equivalent concept of partial specialization in Haskell?
In C++, I can partially specialize the generic swap function with a special one for a generic map/hash_map container that has a special swap method for O(1) container swap. How do you do that in Haskell or what's the canonical example of generic programming in Haskell?
This is closely related to your other question about Haskell and quicksort. I think you probably need to read at least the introduction of a book about Haskell. It sounds as if you haven't yet grasped the key point about it which is that it bans you from modifying the values of existing variables.
Swap (as understood and used in C++) is, by its very nature, all about modifying existing values. It's so we can use a name to refer to a container, and replace that container with completely different contents, and specialize that operation to be fast (and exception-free) for specific containers, allowing us to implement a modify-and-publish approach (crucial for writing exception-safe code or attempting to write lock-free code).
You can write a generic swap in Haskell, but it would probably take a pair of values and return a new pair containing the same values with their positions reversed, or something like that. Not really the same thing, and not having the same uses. It wouldn't make any sense to try and specialise it for a map by digging inside that map and swapping its individual member variables, because you're just not allowed to do things like that in Haskell (you can do the specialization, but not the modifying of variables).
Suppose we wanted to "measure" a list in Haskell:
measure :: [a] -> Integer
That's a type declaration. It means that the function measure
takes a list of anything (a
is a generic type parameter because it starts with a lowercase letter) and returns an Integer. So this works for a list of any element type - it's what would be called a function template in C++, or a polymorphic function in Haskell (not the same as a polymorphic class in C++).
We can now define that by providing specializations for each interesting case:
measure [] = 0
i.e. measure the empty list and you get zero.
Here's a very general definition that covers all other cases:
measure (h:r) = 1 + measure r
The bit in parentheses on the LHS is a pattern. It means: take a list, break off the head and call it h, call the remaining part r. Those names are then parameters we can use. This will match any list with at least one item on it.
If you've tried template metaprogramming in C++ this will all be old hat to you, because it involves exactly the same style - recursion to do loops, specialization to make the recursion terminate. Except that in Haskell it works at runtime (specialization of the function for particular values or patterns of values).