How do I remove the black box surrounding the raster legend? More generally, where can I find the documentation for the options for R raster legends?
r <- raster(volcano)
plot(r, col=topo.colors(100), legend=FALSE, axes=FALSE)
r.range <- c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))
plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100),
legend.width = 2,
axis.args=list(at=seq(r.range[1], r.range[2], 25),
labels=seq(r.range[1], r.range[2], 25),
legend.args=list(text='Elevation (m)', side=4, font=2, line=2.5, cex=0.8))
You can use par(bty='n')
before ploting the legend:
par(bty= "n") # remove the box
plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100),
legend.width = 2,
axis.args=list(at=seq(r.range[1], r.range[2], 25),
labels=seq(r.range[1], r.range[2], 25),
legend.args=list(text='Elevation (m)', side=4, font=2, line=2.5, cex=0.8))
par(bty= "o") # set the box