I have been given the task to create an integration between a customers system and an internal system. The customer sends a flat file which I have a hard time getting my head around how to parse using a Flat file schema.
The structure is like this:
H[n] (either H1, H2 or H3)
K3 (0..unbounded)
K4 (0..unbounded)
M4 (0..unbounded)
M5 (0..unbounded)
S4 (0..unbounded)
S5 (0..unbounded)
Each of the lines ends with a normal CR/LF and each line is position based.
H1 0123 TEST L5A3
K3 20160608 1103 0004
M41123 AQ
H1Q 0342 TEST2 KY
M43308 BB
H2 1331 TEST3 SA
This should generate 4 XML-nodes in the end, but my primary concern is how to be able to create a schema that could actually interpret this, either using the Flat File Schema Wizard or simply using a Flat File Schema.
Is this even feasible (considering the various line types, message lengths etc)?
I don't see why BizTalk would have a hard time parsing this flat file. Your lines are clearly identified with the two first characters. You can use this as a tag identifier for the record.
I think it's quite a typical example for a structured, positional flat file with repeating records.
This example might give you some indication as to how to do this, it is somewhat similar: Flat File Schema creation with Tag Identifiers in the input flat file repeating in a random fashion.
In your situation you would have to create the flat file schema using the flat file wizard. Speaking mostly from my own experience, you never get it perfectly correct, so some tweaking of the FF XSD might be necessary.
To ultimately get to your result XML, use a mapping to get from your flat file schema to your desired output XML result schema.