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Quick flashing prompt when executing ideavim keymap in Webstorm

When I execute a keymap defined in my .ideavim such as this:

nnoremap <leader>gf :action GotoFile<cr>

the popup flashes quickly and goes away. (This occurs 95% of the time and once in awhile it stays up as expected. I tried many combinations of typing slow/quick and found no pattern that tends to cause it to happen more.)

If I use ctrl+shift+N, it pops up and waits for my input as expected.

Any suggestions on how to debug or fix this so the prompt/popup stays up?

Additional info:

  • I am running XFCE4 (Debian-Jessie) and not sure if there is some fight for window focus. My XFCE configuration is pretty vanilla out of the box though. I already played with Window Manager > Focus and Window Manager Tweaks settings too...
  • In Webstorm's Settings > Other Settings > Vim Emulation, I set the Handler for most items to vim.
  • Webstorm version:

    WebStorm 2016.1.3
    Build #WS-145.1616, built on May 27, 2016
    JRE: 1.8.0_91-b14 amd64
    JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
  • Note: I am not using OpenJDK. (The problem occurs with OpenJDK to, but I switched after reading WebStorm in XFCE/Xmonad – JetBrains Support with the hope it would be fixed. Unfortunately this problem persists for me though.)

Update: I almost resolved the issue by going to Webstorm's Settings > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance and unchecking "Hide navigation popups on focus loss". This prevents the flashing popup. However now the focus isn't on the popup. Any ideas of what is stealing the focus?


  • This problem is fixed in EAP builds of IdeaVim. Try