I am trying to create multiple line graphs using ggvis. I am able to plot multiple lines but I am unable to add tooltip for these lines. I need to show the x and y value when I hover the mouse on the lines. I also am unable to add points to the lines in the for loop.
Below is a simplified example I am working with. column "c1" is the x values and columns "c2", "c3" and "c4" are to be plotted(lines with points and tooltip) Screenshot of the plot
mydf <- data.frame(c(1:10),c(11:20), c(21:30), c(31:40))
v <- c("c1","c2","c3", "c4")
names(mydf) <- v
myggv <- mydf %>% ggvis(x = ~c1, y = ~c2) %>% layer_lines() %>% layer_points() %>% add_tooltip( function(mydf){paste0("x:",mydf$c1,"<br>","y:",mydf$c2)}, "hover")
for(r in v[2:length(v)]){
myggv <- (myggv %>% layer_paths(x = ~c1, y = as.name(r)) %>% layer_points()
%>% add_tooltip( function(mydf){paste0("x:",mydf$c1,"<br>","y:",mydf[,r] )}, "hover"))
The best approach here is to not use a for
loop. I mean, you can, but it's not the way ggvis
approaches things. Also I can't get the tooltip to work in the loop (it gives the only the correct result for the last added line. But here is how I would do it anway:
mydf <- data.frame(c1 = c(1:10),
c2 = c(11:20),
c3 = c(21:30),
c4 = c(31:40))
myggv <- ggvis(mydf)
for (r in names(mydf)[-1]) {
myggv <- (myggv %>%
layer_paths(x = ~c1, y = as.name(r)) %>%
layer_points(x = ~c1, y = as.name(r)) %>%
add_tooltip(function(mydf) {
paste0("x:", mydf[[1]], "<br>", "y:", mydf[[r]])}, "hover"))
The nicer way is to restructure your data, and then use group_by
to create seperate lines. As an added benefit, this is perhaps nicer to read. This way your tooltips also work:
mydf2 <- tidyr::gather(mydf, 'var', 'val', -c1)
myggv2 <- mydf2 %>%
ggvis(x = ~c1, y = ~val) %>%
layer_points() %>%
add_tooltip(function(d) { paste0("x:", d$c1, "<br>", "y:", d$val) }, "hover") %>%
group_by(var) %>%
You might want to use layer_lines()
instead of layer_paths()